Potassium chloride


Potassium chloride is inorganic chemical compound and belongs to the most potassium salts. The molecular formula is KCl.
This is colorless or white crystalline substance which dissolves well in water.
In nature there is in the form of minerals sylvite, and as salt composition of enters in carnallite and kanit salt. These minerals are among the most important potassium fertilizer. It is used as an additive to animal nutrition. People have long known that sylvite (KCl, NaCl) restores power after a long work, then they gave horses and work animals to lick this salt so they are compensating electrolytes that are lost through sweating.
Itself potassium is used as a medicine for lack of potassium. Suitable for use in food processing industry for human consumption. It is used for beverage enriched with minerals, for the preparation of fish, seaweed, canned vegetables, milk production and as a mineral supplement animal feed. It is also used as a substitute for NaCl in the treatment and prevention of high blood pressure.
Processed Potassium chloride is used in pharmaceutical industry. The main ingredient in preparation of intravenous infusion, for electrolytic balance of the human body, for oral rehydration to treat potassium deficiency. Potassium is present in all cells and is essential for functioning of the nervous system, to transfer of nutrients to the cells, in releasing energy from muscle spasms and their control.
Potassium in the body regulates water balance, helps all types of healing and renewal of cells, helps heal cuts, bruises and other tissue injuries. Removes acid from the joints and eases their stiffness condition. It is a natural pain reliever irritation, headaches and migraines. Due to high electrochemical activity of potassium is constantly moving and needs to be entered daily in large quantities in order to compensate for his loss.

Many diseases result from a lack of potassium salts in the body: arthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, angina, heart attack and stroke, diabetes … and those are just today’s leading diseases in the world.

  • Potassium is a key element that helps the removal from the body undigested products preventing their accumulation and toxicity of the organism.
  • Potassium salt is lost in sweat and great efforts, but also through the urine, which means that it must be regularly compensated.

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